
67 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Is it windy or just me.

Turn the 3XOsc white noise wind preset off through the whole song lol. It doesn't need to be going the whole time its adding to the noise but not always in a good way.

What you could replace the white noise with is a nice pad that adds to the melody. Now I love you all but the noise just going the whole time bothered me which brought the overall score down.

You have my 5 still but I feel the review score is a tad more imporant then the vote score. Overall a good mix.

Digital-Xcstasy responds:

yeah thanks, I wanted an airy feeling but meh. Dont forget to tell some one you love that you care.

The Review

Well I'll start off by saying I was never really a fan of Martcores song because it was a straight up midi melody which he failed to state. Anyways onto the review.

The start of the song sounded a little cluttered with delay. The Piano didn't have a good airy feel to it which can make or break it. Being it had a major roll in the song at kinda annoyed me. A little more mixing on it and a softer delay could help improve it.

1:06 You have caught my attention with a rising melody. The piano is overpowering this melody though. I'd rather he the synthe then the melody on this part. Making it louder would just make it a touch more epic.

2:00 A common thing I see with Trance songs is a climax that can't beat the build. Generally when I hear a reverb kick or some crashes I'm thinking something is going to add to the loudness.

After this point on it seems like an outro and it lost my interest. I listened to it all a few times and the ending always seemed less enjoyable then the rest of the song. Probably because it acme after a build then a rather iffy climax if you want to call it a climax.

Overall you did good there are a few EQing problems with the crash and kick being distorted at 27secs but we all run into problems once in a while.

I'll give you an honest 8/10 and a 5/5 vote for effort. Just have to find that high point of the song.

sonicxtreme responds:

hehe...thanks alot 4 the overall review....thanks man...peace

No samples huh?

Thats pretty amazing for no samples. Sounds really good and follows the original sound tightly.

You have my 5 vote.

Kr1z responds:

allright greatly thanks!


It's on the quiet side at times but pretty good quality. On the note of structure it was fair but it never really had the burst of energy and build I was hoping for which would of made it a 10 from me.

On your outro try to mix it up a bit your last 40 seconds of the song didn't seem to variated and didn't fill the gaps that would let you off the song.

A 5 none the less from me.

Digital-Xcstasy responds:

thanks, yeah i was Rushing you know? me and F-777 were going to make a song ever sunday and there come sunday and i was like dude we fucked up lol we need to finnish this song, and i crap job the ending when the beat was getting Climatic you know? meh calk it up as a fail, thanks for the Review

Work on that intro

I'm not sure what going on during the first minute of the song. It sounds like you have some good pads but theres this weird cutting out noise in my left headphone. It sounds like the pads could be really interesting but it is really hard to hear.

Try to work on the strength of your sounds so they sound epic and trancey and you will be on your way.

DarkMcShadowX responds:

Yea I dont have eny headphones at the moment beucase i made this on crapy comp speakers so i dont here it properly. That is why it probbaly sounded wired at the bigning.


Has a really interesting sound to it. Happy and almost childish from time to time. I like how it sounds though its pretty catchy.

Try to stay away from those Sytrus presets. If my ears are hearing correctly it sounds like gold saw or one of those. Try to watch the clipping from time to time, if your DB meter is getting pretty high try to turn some things down on the mix or EQ them.

Overall its a cool song, you have my 5.

Gloudas responds:

haha you nailed the gold saw
i try to use other synths, but they sound so damn good! hehe
anyway, thanks for the review and vote

Hardstyle is...

Hardstyle is very confusing. Sometimes I get it sometimes I don't. I've never been a fan of the distorted kick in hardstyle but I can get over that when listening to it. Your bass seemed like it was played on really low notes. Maybe one octave higher would pick it up? I'm not sure I'll have to listen to the original sometime.

You got a 5 from me anyways.

mybrobilo responds:

wow mr.milkcarton!!!
yea ill try out your tip with the bass. anyways thanks for your review!

Experiment is good

Some of the synths are questionable whether or not they go but over all it sounds good. It sounds like you have an Arp in the background some parts, most of the time it sounds good but every now and then it sounds awkward in the overall mix.

Wish I could get my synth selection down... Good job five from me for the effort put in.

Stratoavis responds:

Normally i'd use only whats available in FL Studio but this time I decided to use synths from another program so I do know what your talking about :P Im glad you liked it though ^^

Great as always.

Great as always keep it up dude. Glad you PMed me on this. There are minor distortions from time to time but not noticeable at all.

Kr1z responds:

unnoticeable distortions?? =D
then how can u hear them :P

anyway thx for ur 10/10 !!

Somethings cooking

Very progressive. It has the professional build ups that are long and enduring that you hear all the time in progressive. The only thing you need watch out for when you do a progressive track is you need stop for a moment and ask yourself if its to repetitive.

Instead of going back to building up even more, you could of introduced some epic melody around 1:10 that filters in. Though as you go on it sounds like that will happen at the end. It sounds great as is though, great job so far.

sonicxtreme responds:

thanks alot 4 your opinion...as in fact i was wondering how to build up without beein repetitive...thanx f your time

I makes music is I cool yet?

Nick Tomassetti @Mrmilkcarton

Age 33, Male

Sound Design


Joined on 7/19/06

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