
67 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Few mistakes.

Well you have alot of things I like and there really isnt much I don't like.

I'll start off with the FL Keys, I went over it a little but I'll go a little deeper this time. In my mind a Piano isn't a fast melodic instrument when it comes to Trance. (Forget Happy hardcore Piano for now) So if you ask me you could put delay and reverb on a piano and then have hit the higher notes fewer times creating more atmosphere. As it stands right now it seems more like a back up instrument to your synthes.

As you go on your drums enter but never really change. The kick could use some EQing and the clap is fine for now. Some more percussion couldn't hurt though. Open hihats or closed hihats its all good.

Melodic progression was interesting, I didn't excpect it to augment like it did. Some of the transitions were a bit fast along with with the build to it. Overall not much I have to say about the melody.

It needs some work but its good practice.

heartless1298 responds:

Thanks! About the the hi-hats part, I was going to add them, but I don't know why I didn't. I will take all your advice into consideration, because I need it.

Again, thanks for the review!

I'll be Honest

I was never a big fan of chip tunes till I started watching your live shows and listening to your music. At first I thought this was another one of your great chiptunes but then it evolved into something more at the end. Which made me sad because it was so short. The peak of the song I think could of used more focus because I'll be honest with you it gave me a great feeling of freedom. (Not many songs on newgrounds do that for me).

The overall idea of the song is great and the drums are amazing as usual. You introduce that awesome bass halfway through the song but its not too noticeable at first. It then makes it's introduction with full force at 3:30 and the amount of emotional expression is amazing but I only wish it lasted longer.

I can only hope to achieve the quality of your songs in the future and will use your songs as a goal to reach. Best of luck man and give me a message when another live show goes up.

nubbinownz responds:

thank you very much for the review man :) But what are you talking about? your music is great! and I've got you on AIM so i'll let you know when i'm going live again :D

Interesting Mix

I always enjoy listening to songs where people mix genres. Some people can do it better then others and you did a good job here.

The amount of instrument variation in the intro could be a bit better. The piano sounds great but maybe a pad or some strings could back it up along with the rain and thunder. Not much to say till the drums.

Your choice of drums is more Trance oriented which is fine. I also liked drums in ambient but the drums I would of gone with probably would have been deeper and a bit slower. Thats just a personal preference though on my part.

Overall a strong song that could use a little more body.

Gloudas responds:

hmm the strings are a good idea for the first half, didn't think about it. And yeah, I messed around with the drums but I really liked the trance sound they created, so I kinda tried to orient the rest of the song around em. Thanks a bunch for the review, I really appreciate it, I'll probably mess around with the song a bit more and I'll definately work on adding a bit more body.

Heres your review :D

I save my 10s for real shock value but you have a quality song that I 5 each chance I get. So lets start this review and see if I can find anything.

Aight so you start us off with a nice drum beat. Some synthes to accompany them. It seems like you set a dark atmosphere for the first 35 seconds of the song. After 35 you break off to something a bit more happier. I have to admit I wasn't sure where you were taking this.

The intro was done well but didn't completely draw me into the song. Maybe a tighter drum line or intro melody could have brought me in.

The break at 35 to 1:36 lasts longer then your intro and builds up to the melody. Seems like the introduction of the song doesn't really have any melody wise or synthe wise. Not that big of a deal though and doesn't take away from the song just could flow a little better.

Your build up was good, the melody seemed to float in my head as I listened to it. Your transition to it was superb and right on. Not much to say till about 2:00.

At 2:00 you fade the lead out and then transition to the next part. The fade out of the lead probably could of been accompanied better or happened a bit quicker. If your going to fade out I usually tend to just hand over the melody to another synthe or a new melody will fade in. The flow of the transition wasn't as good as your others in the song.

From here on out the song flowed and your outro was good. This song will take you places thats for sure.

Looking forward to more.

Mich responds:

Thanks for the loads of constructive criticism! This is the type of reviews I want.

I'll work on the things you mentioned.
Once more, Thanks!



Well since I'm not the most knowledgeable of some of the other genres I decided to give your Trance song a review.

You started off with a pretty cheesy sounding drum line. Sounded like I was listening to a workout video or a Wii commercial. Thats aight if thats what your going for. Nothing wrong with it just didn't sound like I was in for a Trance song.

About 1:00 or so we hit a synthe. Trance has long drum builds, you got that down but the style of drums needs some work. A Four to the Floor kick is a pretty basic thing in Trance. I've been told that Trance is not only about the melody all the time but the beat too. You have a beat but your melody doesn't really shine. I think the strong points and why some people like Trance is the build up to an epic release.

2:20 you have a low pass synthe filtering in or something. Then you add another lead on top that. Around 2:50 it sounds like this lead is getting louder every few seconds. Not sure if you tried that kinda confused me.

-Hope I'm not coming off as a jerk just trying to give some pointers.

Another thing about Trance is Reverb is a must along with some delay. A good Trance will make a 6 minute song seem like it was only 2. The longer the song the harder it is to keep your listener interested. If you achieve an airy light weight feeling with Trance you will give the listener a pleasurable song to enjoy.

Most synthe you use will have reverb along with some samples. Trance you can never have enough reverb but remember not to overdo the settings and blur everything.

-Suggestions - Keep a strong beat and a pumping lead to interest the listener early on and keep them interested.

-Things I liked - Your style is unique and if you add more Trance elements to it you could come up with something really different then what is out there now.

Hope this helps! If you have any questions feel free to ask I'll try to answer ASAP.

Hope I didn't come across as mean.

Neogma responds:

no, you did not come across as mean one bit. its the constructive criticism like this that will help me strive to push harder and keep growing with my music. this song is actually the first one i made with a new program that i got. I was still just trying to figure it out. This only took me about an hour to do, so yeah. lol. also, about the lead getting louder, yes, it was supposed to do that. also, thank you for noticing my unique style. nothing wrong with being unique.
Thank you for the advice, would love to hear more on any other tracks i have, or will have in the future.


An Inteserting DnB song

I'll try the best I can to give you a good lengthy review. I'm not the greatest at DnB but I suppose I do know some.

Intro - You have my attention with the panning Synthe. Good job here it keeps me listening.

:30 - Around here you move to a more bass driven melody. It's a little weird to listen to and I'll admit I'm not sure if I'm into it. You continue with this melody for sometime maybe some more introduction of synthes could of helped.

1:06 - You enter some beep like structures I like them it sounds cool. You probably could of added them earlier on and helped keep my interest. The "beeps" fade and a new lead enters. At this point the lead sounds like it might be clipping and or distorting a bit.

1:44 Our lead seems to have gone away and we're back to the bass. It's bit of an empty zone nothing really attention grabbing.

2:10 (The Outro) - Sounds like a whole new song is going to start with some heavy reese basses and a great beat but it seems like were done. This song could be extended if you wanted to.

Things I liked! It's unique and keeps a good beat. Sounds very original too haven't heard anything like it yet. The intro is awesome too. :D

Things you could improve on; Repetition wasn't that bad but introducing different things couldn't do any harm. The song could use a lead that lasts a tad longer then the current. Your end sounds like it could go into something else.

Best of Luck.

Neon-Crepth responds:

wow! long review, and so much to say. i can see where you're coming from with a lot of that. first off, im glad you looked at each part individually as well as a whole. ppl who don't make music don't appreciate that stuff. i started out not having the little whip reverse cymbal in the beginning but attracting attention is what i found it to do. i can see how that area after the intro could get boring but it was mainly the introduction of syncopated percussion (claps and hats). adding things earlier wouldn't have hurt it though i guess. looking back on it, i can see how more of a focus on the melody instruments other than the bass would have helped.
lol, i was actually going to add on a whole other part after the 'outro' but i experimented and tested different things and unless i brought in a completely new leading sound, things would get boring fast so i decided to have in end like that.
with all of your advice i may just make the adjustments and repost it.

thanks for spending the time! glad you liked it.

Oh boy.

I can not stop listening to this rig. I've stopped giving the one liner reviews saying "Zomg I lurv this" but I honestly can't help it with this one. You made my favorite song list with this which consists of only 4 songs lol (I'm a hardass when it comes to favorites).

It's like opening up FL studios for the first and this would be the song that plays. You should honestly think about showing it to the FL guys, it would make for an awesome New Stuff song. Aight I'm done boosting your ego.
Amazing job!

Rig responds:

I've thought about showing them. Maybe, maybe not. I wanna fix it up a bit :P

Thanks for the review and honour of being one of your favs, man!

Getting there!

Well Karco covered the technical stuff which he is amazing at I'll give you my little bit on the song.

The structure is good you have a good idea here. The first few minutes sound like a good professional sounding trance song with a few minor issues that Karco explains with the sounds. You have a great build and slowly running the melody through out the song. You have the nice trance feel to your build and the release at 1:48 ish to bring in the new lead is amazing.

2:00 your piano enters. It's a very dry sounding piano. Some delay and reverb could do the piano some justice. Getting the piano to feel like its floating and "airy" like the rest of the song will push the trance effect too.

2:30(ish) The gated melody fits perfectly but every time I listen to it I can almost say that you based the melody off another song. The specific notes you hit at "2:29 to 2:39" very closely resemble the lead to Rank1 - Airwave. The notes come up again through out the song being apart of the main melody and all. I don't know if you tried this or not but just thought I'd state it.

Outro - Nice and trancy well done.

Overall you got a 5 from me but the similar melody and piano brought it down to a 9 for me. I like the song though looking forward to the next one.

Kr1z responds:

Structure thingy ==> thanks!
Buildup: thx!
Piano: true, could use some more reverb & stuff.
2:30 -ish: Yeh well i shitted in FL, found a tune and it appeared to be tiesto's :D
Thx for the constructive things & the good vote!!

9 For the remix

I've never been a fan of hardstyle's distorted kicks. I did something kind of like this today but without the distorted kick and higher BPM, if you want you could check it out.

Being a remix its pretty sweet. Other then the originality factor not too much I can say.

Good job, 5/5 from me.

mybrobilo responds:

alright fair enough

Sounds like it isn't finished

Hmm it sounds awesome but it doesn't sound finished. It has a great melody but there were no drums or percussion. I was really hoping there would be a good beat coming in but sadly there wasn't. Having a kick come in or start sometime in the first minute would of made this a 10 from me.

On a note of construction, without the drums it never seemed like there was a high point to the song just a long build. As much as I love builds I want to be overwhelmed with something even more after them.

For synthe selection it was easy to tell where your synthes came from. It's a good selection but a little editing could do some justice to sound.

I liked it, the quality was good synthe selection was great but no drums let me down. You should make this into a 5minute+ professional sounding trance song because it's certainly on it's way.

mybrobilo responds:

wow such a long review! i believe everyone loves these. now back on topic....
im definitely extending this now with the comments i have received!
drums will be added!!!!
maybe some different elements?

I makes music is I cool yet?

Nick Tomassetti @Mrmilkcarton

Age 33, Male

Sound Design


Joined on 7/19/06

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