Thanks for taking the time to read this short little news update. Logic Pro 8 arrived in the mail yesterday and took me about 5 hours to install. When I tried out Reason it was a ton easier to understand. Now I'm looking at Logic and I'm lost. So here's a little warning on updates. It may take me a week or a month to even understand this program. When I do figure it out I'll still be extremely slow at using it so I won't be putting out too many songs from now until then.
I'll try to keep my page updated with my progress that I have made. Hopefully this buy was worth it (I'm pretty sure it was) and I can make songs with more ease.
Time to tame the beast.
Edit* Jan 2nd
So I owe a ton to he was nice enough to endure my questions. I spent hours yesterday looking at videos and the interface. Well I lied about the updates I've gotten a grasp of the basics so far and will probably submit a song in a bit.
There is still alot I need to learn on the mixing process. Hopefully each song I make will get more complex and better each time.
The synthes are even more confusing then I had thought sooooo it's going to be a while for me to get a hang of them and make some less cheesy sounding ones.
YouTube will be your best friend to get you started, after that write down what you knew how to do in Reason, and type that that same skill into Google with Logic instead. Once you've transferred your skills over, then start exploring the new stuff.
Good luck!
Ya it's just going to take time getting used to the new techniques and UI. Overall the synthes aren't that complicated and the automation and similar items are the same as most programs. Now I can make stuff in 5.1 Surround! Heh I don't think I'll do that but I have the choice of Stereo and mono which I'll be using a ton.