I makes music is I cool yet?

Nick Tomassetti @Mrmilkcarton

Age 33, Male

Sound Design


Joined on 7/19/06

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FL Core challenge HQ Version And Sytrus Pack

Posted by Mrmilkcarton - May 23rd, 2008

New to FL studios? Wanting to learn? Check out my new project I'm working on called the FL Blogspot Project!
Go here and read up and get the link

For those who want to hear a better master on Ethos heres a link to download from my site.

SYTRUS PRESET PACK (Has all the settings from my Sytrus song and a few more!)
Try not to abuse it too much.
Wanna play Sytrus on FFR? (Flash Flash Revolution) Now you can lol!
Milk{Sytrus}FFR Style!
Props to StarScythe for taking the time to do this
On to the FL core challenge information. I've never spent so much time mixing and EQing as I did with this song. I used 39 mixer channels lol. Almost maxed out. I'll provide some links to pictures of my instruments and file.

Aight so, I started off with a vague idea that 3XOsc's are pretty awesome and now I know that they are more then awesome. To get a good sound though takes some time and effort. I layered 4 of the little buggers for my lead each with their own mixer channel. The INS of the 3XOsc is the most important part if you want a real nice filter and sound. I spent a few good hours working on the 3XOsc lead constantly adding body to it through the song. My lead bass and ARP looked something like this 3XOsc and TS404 Galore. .

My FL file picture...
Now my Automation isn't that complicated but it was a big part of the song. I honestly didn't use that many synthes as it might sound. My automation changed the synthe sound through filters and adding on to each. The bass changes from a hard bass to a softer one through out the song. It's doing this through a cutoff filter in the INS settings. A little look at al the settings and I got what I was looking for. I found that if I want a good airy reverb on my synthes it was just best to link it to another mixer channel. Doing this got rid of some of the annoying habits reverb can have when its directly placed on a mixer channel other then linked.
A closer look at my Mixer Channel.

If you want to know how to link a mixer channel to one another I took a crappy picture and kinda tried to explain it. It's really simple process. I did this for alot of my instruments and it got me higher quality sounds in my opinion though.
Image showing how to link mixer channels

Other then that stuff there really isn't much to explain. I used the basic samples that came with FL and mixed them to a higher quality. some were layered like my leads. Some of the FX came from Demo projects that also come with every version of FL (a treasure trove of goodies). Sampling a 3XOsc woosh is also a nice way to make things easier and clean.

Sadly I won't explain how I made my leads thats for you to figure out. It's much easier to learn yourself then me telling you to turn these knobs. I will tell you that they are comprised of multiple TS404s and 3XOsc's.

If you need anything explained or help with anything give me a MSN or AIM. Don't worry I'm not a prick who thinks his songs are amazing, I actually think every song I have could use some good amount of improvement.

If you want me to review a song leave a comment or review one of mine I sometimes check out songs of people who have reviewed me.

YOUTUBE RANDOM VIDEO - How do Japanese people do this....?

/* */

FL Core challenge HQ Version And Sytrus Pack


sytrus! is ur best song and probably best on ng so far (on same level as begining of time by djn)


WTF holy shit look at the mixer wtf like 20 chanels on it wow lol i have like 4 in my songs

39 on that track (Ethos)

Hey thanks for the sytrus sound pack thingy, but... when saving to disk where do i put it?

Where ever just unzip then click and drag the files onto the sytrus generator.

You rock man, you're my favorite artist.

You rock for telling me that lol.

I love that :P especially the megaman Dr Willy theme.

That video is the most epic thing I've ever laid eyes upon.

Japanese people are crazy man.

That video was the most incredible thing I have ever set my eyes on.
I forever hate the japanese thanks to you Milk!

Amazing job on those songs man and thanks for the sytrus pack!! Maybe you could do a KORE pack too? (name it that, it's sexy)
Seriously man, you're on my favorite artist and I'm downloading each of your songs 3 times for no reason.

I love how you have two EQs and two Compressors in the pic xD I never ever thought to do that... No wonder I suck at mastering and all that fun stuff. xD


I over do it sometimes lol. Thanks though.

thnx for using the banner i made for you!!

Heh better then nothing.

Woah, it took me until now to realize Deep Blue progresses every seven measures, instead of the usual 8. Nice. :O Also, nice new submission, I'm listening to it right now. :D


I edited it a bit hard to notice but I EDITED IT. Theres like 3 or 4 extra beats in it lol.
No comment on me making my own original lead synthe from a 3XOsc along with my bass T.T? I worked hard on those 3XOsc's. I even made an Arp piano roll with one. Half the song is 3XOsc's lol (I'm addicted to them).

I do like your music a lot. And I do look forward to listening to more :D

Now for the real reason I'm leaving a comment.

I started to watch the video all the way through, and I couldn't even keep track of time until about seven minutes into it. That was awesome and it's bookmarked.

It makes me wonder exactly how much booze was consumed to make that

Japanese do crazy things for whatever reason. I don't think booze was involved with this one.

tht random vid.....
i noticed that mario grabbed thing and stuff one the beat.....

I watched it and was like "NO WAY THEY SYNCHED IT!?!" it's insane.

and btw......
this is made on a comp but even then......
you need dam damn good timing......

Yeah I kinda know how they did it, I just don't think I would WANT to do it lol.

the idea of that vid is been done several times. but not of this size!
its been like some sort of underground project of some people.
well whatever they use a program called Lunar magic. It allows you to edit map levels and such. as well as some scritping and spriting. The most famous is the Demo world ( search up the rom and have fun! ). but to sync evrything you gotta listhen to it while your making it and continously exporting it to 'play' it. Seems like tremendous amount of work but if the people are skilffull, its fairly easy to do. IF you have enough time that is! I enjoy map making in almost each game including mario maps for the heck of it. Retro goodness. so thats how i know that stuff ;)


ps. Your music is great :D

Haha thanks for the info. I still think it's crazy of all the stuff thats in it. At times it follows the song really closely.

D00D UR AW3SUM. srsleh.


Lolz. <3

Well now, I am going to have to say you have a simply amazing music abilty. I love your songs and downloaded some of them even. Your music is also different... it isn't like most of the NG crap music that has a simple beat throughout the whole entire song with just some changes....

Also, that Mario video was the best youtube video I've ever seen o.o.

Love you!!! ^-^ lol.

Thanks, it is pretty epic isn't it lol.

That video - They do it step by step, piece by piece, just like we do!

Love your music. :)
