Weird that i got influenced by the same people. (Well with the exception of acutally talking to MaestroRage).
It was an intresting read, the evolution of a music artist in a nutshell? :) We can only geuss where you will stop.
I makes music is I cool yet?
Age 33, Male
Sound Design
Joined on 7/19/06
Weird that i got influenced by the same people. (Well with the exception of acutally talking to MaestroRage).
It was an intresting read, the evolution of a music artist in a nutshell? :) We can only geuss where you will stop.
Lots of regulars affect everyone everyday :D
Read the entire thing, & it was an honor to. Really. Oi, you. You've got serious amounts of talent. I may not be a producer, but my ear & knowledge of structure hasn't ever led me wrong, and while you have room for improvement-- doesn't everyone?-- even in the short time I've known you, you've grown by leaps and bounds. You only have farther to go. Your music is pretty absurdly amazing, and I went straight to you for a reason.
Chin up & keep at whatever impulse strikes you. We all have setbacks. Just look at my folder of professional collaborations. :P
I'm just surprised people read through it lol.
footnote: I don't just mean that in trance. Any genre. I'm wandering back to my classical/acoustic roots right now-- my brain's exploding from trance lately...
Very touching Mr. Carton, I remember when you got top 5 the first time, you were so happy :D.
Posted on wrong account the person above me is me :P.
:D .
just found this and read it end to end. I'm a bit annoyed you didn't tell me you had written it, though I can imagine why. :) I'm flattered and glad I could help.
Good going over the past few years! and best of luck for the future. Don't stop doing what you're doing. ;D
I hast informed you.
Maybe a year ago I was randomly going through the newgrounds audio portal looking for new techno and trance. I had already exhausted my supply of trance control, BT, among others and I can't tell you how glad I am that I happened upon your song 'Ethos'. I have now downloaded all your techno genre songs (I hope that is alright!).
I love classical music, but just didn't feel it in your classical songs. I hope you continue to work on trance because I feel that you have a lot of talent. I'm sure you know a lot more about the genre than I do, but you remind me of trance control and a lot of other good artists. You have a good flow and beat to most of your songs.
Please let me know when you make more and how you have progressed. I read this monologue and found it pretty interesting to see where you are coming from. Anyways, best of luck with college and your music (career? We can only hope that you get noticed!). You really do got something going for ya.
Read it all man! Ahh, good times back in 2008. remember me man? we used to talk alot on MSN back then.
I don't know what you mean by "losing time to produce my best work". Creative fields like music arent like a male's sex drive, reaching the pinnacle in the mid 20s. lol. as long as you continue to learn and experiment you'll always be constantly churning out more and more better works.
who ever said it takes 10 years to master something might want to revise that statement. it's 10,000 hours (if you get a chance, pick up a book called "Outliers"). if you're working on music for an average of 5 hours a day (including playing your instrument, studying theoretical elements, and actually producing the music- thats a reasonable amount of time), 5 * 365 * 6 years = 10, 950 hours. You say you first downloaded FL when you were 14 (and I believe you told me you've been playing the piano for longer than a decade), 20 years is a great age to attain that level. Of course it wouldnt be "mastery", but you can sit down and think "ahh, I'm good!". I hope that's some consolation to the young producers on NG, who already have a good knack with music and are scoring those top 5s (not to say that it's an indicator of talent...)
I remember when you first reviewed my track "Desolate City of Ice". haha.
and karco is a great man- I mean he just made me realize how bad I am even more LOL, but he's kind towards others, and doesn't shun people with lower expertise in music like several musicians here may do. Not to mention very fan friendly.
LOL @ your dad. The response to rhetorical questions like this can always be "Why the fuck not?"
Ahh yes I remember when you pulled the hat trick. That was May of 08 wasnt it? great month. you helped me back then with a few tracks, so thanks. i even made a track based on a FLP you sent me, you know what track it is?
Best of luck homie.
There are a bunch of people I remember, including you. I could write a big ole book on all I the people I've met here on newgrounds. I think my MSN list grew twice in size because of it.