Huhwha XD lolol
Man you must teach me how to make drums in sytrus, synth drums, thats something really new for me, so far I think Ive never used drums from a synth...
I makes music is I cool yet?
Age 33, Male
Sound Design
Joined on 7/19/06
Huhwha XD lolol
Man you must teach me how to make drums in sytrus, synth drums, thats something really new for me, so far I think Ive never used drums from a synth...
Turn the knobs, and over time those knobs will have an understanding :D .
yes, i use fl studio, i love it. I have the demo and instead of saving I leave it running for days, sometimes weeks! and, well some other features are different, like toxic 3 and toxic biohazard, they cut out 1ce a minute.
Lol thats dedication.
making a song on the computer seems too complicated for me, i dont even understand how this would work. how do you make music, is it premade sounds and you just add then and can change the base sound of them or what???? i would really like to understand how songs like yours are made.
I make most sounds, presets are too generic and I tend to hear them used. So I make the sounds using the VSTI plugins (Synthesizers). It's not as complicated as it looks but when your first starting it can be intimidating.
Keep your eye on this kid. He may become famous hehe.
Just maybe, one day... I can dream right?
How do you make music??
wad software you use??
is it free?? :3
FL Studios and no it's not free but they have a demo with all the features unlocked except being able to save.